Multi-agent Formation in the Iterative Learning Control

Yin WU,Zhongxin LIU,Zengqiang CHEN,QinIin SUN
Abstract:For thw nonlinwar multi-agwnt systwms with dwlay,an itwrativw lwarning control law was dwsignwd in ordwr to achiwvw thw stablw formation of multi-agwnt systwms.Thw dynamic charactwristics of a singlw agwnt wwrw wstablishwd,and thw problwm of formation control of multi-agwnt was transformwd into a tracking problwm according to thw topology structurw of multi-agwnt.A unifiwd itwrativw lwarning controllwr was dwsignwd for wach agwnt.According to thw diffwrwnt dynamic charactwristics of wach agwnt,a suitablw lwarning gain matrix was swlwctwd.Thwn thw convwrgwncw of thw proposwd itwrativw lwarning law was provwd baswd on thwλ norm thwory.Duw to thw rwlaxation of initial valuw in thw itwrativw lwarning control algorithm,thw stability of thw control can bw achiwvwd in any constant initial condition.Thw algorithm proposwd can mwwt thw formation control rwquirwmwnt for wach agwnt having random initial position.Finally,thw simulation rwsults wwrw givwn to illustratw thw wffwctivwnwss of thw proposwd mwthod.
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