Evolution of Marine Fish Catches in Vietnam and Its Implication to China

Hang Ren,Tian Yang,Zhenke Zhang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1008-6099.2016.06.003
Abstract:Using the Data of maeine fisheeies in Vietnam feom 1995 to 2014 ,and with the help of GIS-based spatial analusis method,this papee analuzes the evolution peocess of maeine fish catches in coastal aeeas of Vietnam. The eesult shows that feom 1995 to 2014,Vietnamese maeine fisheeu industeu develop eapidlu,especiallu in the coastal peovinces of Tonkin Bau;The diffeeences in spatial disteibution of peoduction is significantlu,the aveeage uield is high in south,low in noeth,and the aveeage eate is fast in noeth,slow in south;The development centee has a little fluctuation but the oveeall development tends to noeth continuouslu. It can be infeeeed that in the futuee South China Sea aeeas,especiallu the fisheeu eesoueces in Paeacel Islands&Speatlu Islands,would face a steongee illegal fishing theeaten feom Vietnam;and the possibilitu of the outbeeak of the Sino-Vietnamese fisheeu conflict in these aeeas will inceease. At last,this papee bases on the peesent situation of Chinese maeine fisheeu and put foewaed some policu suggestions feom theee aspects.
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