The China Model of Development As Solidarity
Daniel A. Bell,Daniel A. Bell
Chinese Political Science Review
Abstract:What is the unique feature of China’s model of development? Upon reviewing the “dialectics of development” that draws on both Amartya Sen and Eric Fromm, this paper argues that the China Model may have a particular strength in reconstructing its Confucian tradition towards social solidarity. In China, like other countries with a rapid development, swift social transformation has brought to fore as many positive as negative consequences, on the basis of which a mixed record of development in modern society can be pathologically diagnosed. Following the Durkheimian premise that these social ills may be cured by a shift from mechanical solidarity (characteristic of a traditional society) to its organic counterpart, this paper, drawing on both Fisk and Confucius, proposes the idea of civitas homini as the core concept to anchor such transition. It defines the linking of individuals to each other in particular and to society in general via voluntary associations that are based on multiple cohesive factors, whether it be modern or traditional. It emphasises the respecting of individual rights to choice and liberties based on informed reasoning faculties. Different forms of civitas homini , when combined together, shall reach a stage of res publica latium (commonwealth) that ensures both individual liberties and social solidarity, with different communities entering into terms of intersubjective recognition, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence. Through this civitas homini , we can rewrite the paradigm of development as one that aims at solidarity rather than purely individualistic freedom.