Style and Skill: Critic’s Artistic Ability
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
Abstract:The problem of the style of literary scholars or critics is one of the few studies in literature. The method of literary criticism is the individuality, originality in understanding, researching and analyzing fiction. The style is formed, first of all, by the nature of the scholar's understanding and perception of the work of art. A critical or literary scholar's method is to determine the language, genre, composition, realities and secrets of his article or research, use analysis techniques, pathos, links to life, artistic tastes, and independent observations about life and reality, human and future. It stems from the specificity of the description. The literary critic Ibrohim Haqqulov has his own style, and the article analyzes his work in various ways, including the understanding of the text, the specificity of the methods, the genre's diversity and the role of literary criticism.