Analyst Characteristics,Market Feature,and Stock Price Informativeness

Weili WU,Zheng ZHANG,Yili PENG
Abstract:This paper studies Chinese securities analysts'contributions to the information efficiency of the securities market,using the data of Chinese stock market from 2005 to 201 2.Based on Chan and Hameed's (2006)study,we improve their model,and consider the individual effect of each company,which makes our research more robust and reasonable.We find a completely opposite result:se-curities analysts in China make a positive contribution to the information efficiency of the securities market,and the information they provide is mostly firm -specific level.We further use VAR model as robust check,and results from which also support the former con-clusion.Then,we further extend Chan and Hameed's (2006)study by considering the impact of analysts'experience,analysts'effort, sizes of brokerage houses and market trends.We find that the analysts with more experience,making more effort or working in larger brokerage can produce more firm -specific information,and during the bull phrases,analysts may make a more significant contribution to the information efficiency of the securities market.
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