Study on Non-Cited Papers of Climate Change in the Field of Soclal Science
Lihua Zhai,Yuntao Pan,Haiyan Wang,Jiping Gao,Zheng Ma,Jian Du,Yishan Wu
Abstract:Quantitative analysis on papers of social science in the field of climate change and their interdisciplinary studies are conducted in this paper based on SSCI data and especially the development trend and distribution of non-cited papers.From 1990 to 2014,there has been a marked increase in the number of social papers in cli-mate change,particularly a accelerated growth has been seen after 2005.The non-cited rates of these papers are stable over a long period of time and are below 10%,indicating that these papers have received a high degree of attention.The United States has made outstanding a-chievements in the field of climate change.China, as the only developing country in TOP10, has a relatively fast growth rate, although it started late.For the 10 countries with the largest number of papers in SSCI, there is a positive correlation between the total number of papers and the number of non-cited articles, but the non-cited rates does not show a significant correlation. Globally,the 10 institutions with the largest number of SSCI papers are all universities,mostly from Britain and the United states.For China, the Institute's perform-ance is even more pronounced.The number of non-ci-ted papers from TOP10 institutions and its proportion of total amount of SSCI in the institution itself do not show obvious monotonic 1trend.Overall, the non-cited pa-pers rate is relatively low,this is not only because of the theme of climate change has the high degree of concern, at the same time,papers from cross research field have also been cited more and its non-cited rate is relatively low.