The Practical Reform in Basic Courses under the Educational Philosophy of CDIO-the Course of “Digital Circuits and Logic Design” as an Example
Xiaohui Zeng,Yajuan Xue,Wenying Ma
Abstract:In order to promote the curriculum reform of our university and further expand the digital informatization in higher education, this paper targets several teaching reforming issues in the electronic information discipline of our university. Guided by the CDIO-OBE teaching philosophy, multifaceted teaching strategies are proposed for the major, such as overall planning of talent cultivation, teaching methods of teachers, and advanced evaluations of core basic courses. Starting from the compulsory course of 'Digital Circuits and Logic Design', the top-down implementation of practical reforms and the effects of updating teaching team, and continuously improvement on setting experiments are analyzed. Based on the feedback from students’ survey, it is confirmed as well that only through the effective integrations of digital technology and the higher-level blended teaching methods, and continuously optimized experiment reforms together can fundamentally promote the discipline construction and talent cultivation in the major of electronic information. Furthermore, through the closed-loop feedback of quantitative data from students’ questionnaires, the practical reforms facilitate the digitization transformation of basic courses in our university.