Browsing Linked Data with MyView
Gong Cheng,Huiyao Wu,Saisai Gong,Hang Zhang,Yuzhong Qu
Abstract:Compared with the hypertext Web, Linked Data can satisfy more precise information needs, but presently still lacks tool support for citizen users. In this demonstration, we introduce a personalizable Linked Data browser called MyView, which enables users to query Linked Data by navigation (such as link traversal and filtering) from one entity collection to another. With MyView, users can reuse their past queries in various ways, including categorizing favored links as different views, assembling complex links with existing ones, and revisiting past queries via history and bookmark mechanisms. As an intelligent system, MyView evaluates queries in a logic programming fashion which supports reasoning, and its implementation features several strategies for dealing with the distributed, open, large-scale Web environment. It also generates explainable answers that carry provenance information, and supports source control. Finally, it interacts with users to resolve entity coreference for discovering more sources and reducing redundancy.