Game Analysis of Privacy Protection for Multiple Agents in Library Context Service

Guang ZHU,Xue-lian CAO,Dan YU,Yue SUN
Abstract:[Purpose/significance]To define the game agents composed of users, libraries and hackers in library context service, and to develop a game model of privacy protection from the perspective of privacy profit, cost and loss, have become a important task in library service.[Method/process]This paper designs the game agents consisted of users, libraries and hackers, and investigates the strategic behavior of privacy protection for them. According to the payoff matrices of different agents, several equilibrium strategies can be found.[Result/conclusion]The analysis results show that the privacy strategies of game agents are related with privacy cost, detect probability of hacker attack and privacy loss. There are two kinds of Nash equilibrium and one kind of Bayesian mixed strategy equilibrium. At last, a numerical verification for the mathematical model is given and several countermeasures and suggestions are proposed for the development of privacy protection and library context service.
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