Study on Construction of Hierarchy Relationship of Subject Terms Based on Formal Concept Analysis

Abstract:O ntology is theeffectiveorgan izatio n and descrip tio n for domain know ledgeand O ntology Learnin g ( O L ) is themethodology and tech n olo gy to con struct O ntology a uto ma ticaly. WiththeO L theo ry as a g uid e,this pap er proposes an effectivemethod ,which is withdocumen ts-terms spaceas a coreand withF o rma l C oncept A n a lysis ( FCA) as a mea n s,to con struct h ierarchy struc tureofC hineseD oma in O ntology a uto ma ticaly. Taking “ leuk emia ” field for an example,it in d eta il demonstrates theextra ctin g process on h ierarchy relation ship of Med ic a l professio n al terms o rien tedd is ciplin es res o urc e,which s p ec ific a l y contains 3 processes. F irs t is thedata c lea rin g process as in itia liz a tio n in c lud in g extra ctin g and filterin g of professio n al terms ,and amendment ofassociation ofterms fromdocuments. Second is theFCAprocess in c lud in g b uild in g ofdocumen ts-terms ma trix , a uto matic generation ofdomain concept la ttic eand con structio n ofh iera rch y relation s h ip ofp rop erties fro mterms in concept la ttic e. Third is theterms ontology d escrip tio n process in c lud in g automatic OWL descrip tio n and storageofh ierarchy associations ofterms ,concep t searching and vis ualy display in g ofdomain ontology.
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