Research on the Master-Slave Coordination of Industrial Technology Innovation Based on Knowledge-Ecological Transformation
Yue LONG,Xin GU,Yuanhe LIAO
Abstract:Knowledge-ecological transformation in perspective of enterprise is a new feature of industrial technolo-gy innovation. The paper integrated of game theory, utility theory, knowledge-ecology theory and so on, design the master-slave coordination of industrial technology innovation mode based on the knowledge-ecological transfor-mation, construct the knowledge input-output utility model based on Stackelberg model and construct the knowledge-ecological transformation model based on improved Lotka-Volterra, combining qualitative and numerical examples, the paper analyzes knowledge input of the master-slave coordination equilibrium and knowledge-eco-logical transformation of the evolution equilibrium, and reveals the dual regulation mechanism of core organization in the process of knowledge resource allocation. Research shows that constructing knowledge-ecological chain+technology innovation chain in perspective of enterprise, with enterprises as the intermediary, adjusting the organi-zation of knowledge inputs, and establishing the stock knowledge, inputted tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge into interdependent knowledge symbiotic relationship, promote the two chain embedded development, is conducive to the promotion of knowledge input, flow and ecological transformation, realize the knowledge value added, en-hance the industrial technology innovation utility.