Inet lligibil ty evaluation of enhanced whisper in joint time-freque ncy domain

Jian Zhou,Xin Wei,uiyu LiangR,Li Zhao
Abstract:Some factors influencing the intelligibility of the enhanec d whisper in the joint time-frequency do main are evaluated. Specifiac lly both the specrt um density and different regions of the enhanced s pecrt um are analyzed. Experimental results showt hat for a spectrumo f some density the joint time-frequency gain-modification bsa ed speech enhanceme nt algorithm a hc ieves significant improvement in intelligibility.Additionally the spectrum region where the estimated spectrum is smaller than the clean spectrum is the most important region contributing to intelligibility improvement for the enhanced whisper.The spectrum region where the estimated spectrum is larger than twice the size of the clean spectrum is detrimental to speech intelligibility perception within the whisper context.
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