Nadiia Shyian,Alina Kryvoruchko,Svitlana Stryzhak
Abstract:The relevance of the study is due to the need of school practice in the introduction of a new approach to the assessment of student achievement - formative assessment. Assessment of students 'academic achievements in chemistry has its own characteristics, which requires a variety of techniques for formative assessment of students' academic achievements. The purpose of the study is theoretically substantiate the methodology of formative assessment of students' academic achievements in chemistry in general secondary education. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical (analysis of normative documents, psychological, didactic and methodological literature to study the problem of formative assessment of students 'achievements in chemistry in the theory and practice of chemistry; analysis of techniques of formative assessment of students' achievements in chemistry and digital instruments their implementation); empirical (generalization and systematization of pedagogical experience of teachers of secondary schools, surveys, observations, interviews, questionnaires). The article presents a method of formative assessment of students' achievement in chemistry, which is based on a complex combination of teaching methods with tools of formative assessment and involves the relationship of the following organizational components of its implementation: motivational, substantive, reflective. The didactic bases of definition of tools of formative estimation - the purposes of employment, the purposes of educational activity, individual features and educational needs of studentsare outlined. Techniques of formative assessment of students' academic achievements in chemistry according to the method of their use (visual, schematic-graphic, combined), forms of formative assessment that reflect their place in the educational process (reflection of emotional state, reflection on activity, reflection on content of activity), techniques of formative assessment , which are based on the focus on developing students' skills of self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Methods for determining the educational needs of students, determining the goals of activities are identified. Digital tools have been identified that contribute to the development of methodological support for the formative assessment of students' academic achievements in chemistry. The proposed methodology allows for holistic and systematic feedback during classroom, blended or distance learning.