Zhisheng An,Donghuai Sun,Mingyang Chen,Youbin SUN,Li Li,Baoqun Chen
Abstract:Based on systematic geological investigation four sections of the Late Tertiary redclay sequence were chosen for the study of stratigraphy, paleomagnetism andpaleoclimatology. These sections are Lingtai, Bajiazui, Zhaojiachuan in the central part,Duanjiapo in the southem part of the Loess Plateau. Thermal demagnetizer andcryogenic magnetometer were used to systematically measure the magnetic remanencefrom room temperature up to 500 or 600℃ with 50℃ step in order to establishmagnetostratigraphy of the sections. The results show a consistent polarity structure.Magnetostratigraphy of the red clay sequence consists of normal polarity Chron ofGauss, reversed Chron of Gilbert. The Chron Gauss is characterized by a long normalpolarity with two reversed events at lower part of the Chron. Chron Gilbert can bedetermined by its polarity structure of two reversed sub-Chron which are separated by4 small normal events. All complete eolian sequence profile consistently suggest thebottom of red clay is within the Chron 3B, and the bottom age of the sequence isabout 7.2Ma B.P. The red clay sequence in Chinese Loess Plateau consists of 7paleosol complex (named RS1 to RS7) interbeded with 7 reddish pedogenic loesscomplex (named RL1 to RL7), which are the first order strata units for red clayclassification and comparison. Magnetic susceptibility was measured for all sections to reflect the East AsianSummer monsoon and the eolian accumulation rate is used as the indicator of thearidity of the source areas. The sediment in Loess Plateau marks the beginning ofinternal Asia continent drying, and probably imply that Tibet Plateau had reachedsome critical elevation and the related Asia monsoon had develop by 7.2Ma B.P.Coupled variation trend of the eolian accumulation rate and the summer monsoonintensity indicated by susceptibility suggest their dynamic link to the altitude of TibetPlateau, and hence their variations may suggest that Tibet Plateau experiences severaltectonic cycle of uplifting-erosion processes. The onset of global glacial-interglacialcycles at 2.6~2.8Ma B.P. greatly intensified the winter monsoon circulation andamplified paleoclimate variation amplitude represented by Quatemary loess-paleosolsequence.
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