Spatial Distribution Study of Cobalt-Rich Crusts Ore Formation on the Central Pacific Seamount
Ma Weilin,Yang Kehong,Bao Gengsheng,Zhang Kai,Dong Ruzhou,Chu Fengyou
Abstract:Seamounts in the ocean are the main base of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts (hereinafter called crusts) mineralization. The distribution of crusts is not only influenced by large-scale macroscopic factors,for example the oxygen minimum zone,the carbonate compensation depth,biological productivity,ore-forming material sources and oxygen content of the seawater etc,but also controlled by small-scale factors of seamount topography,marine sedimentation and bottom current scouring.Based on in-depth study of ore formation and distribution of cobalt-rich crusts on the Seamount R,central Pacific mainly,those are discovered that crusts enrich in the shallower water on seamount,elevation of the summit,translation zone between summit and slope,saddle,ridge and upper slope are all favorable topography for crust mineralization with better quality and coverage,whereas the down slope,valley, flat region of the summit and subdued platform of the slope are pauvre of crusts,with smaller thickness and cover-age,the mineralization of crusts is better in area with gradient less than 15°,optimal in 3°to 7°,and where with gradient larger than 15°will degressive,and become worst in cliff area,seamount topography have a fundamental influence on distribution and mineralization of the crusts,sedimentation and bottom current scouring play a part of obstruction and promotion individually,bottom current is the key factor to ensure long-term growth of crusts on lower gradient,the essence of controlling on crusts mineralization by seamount topography is a process to counter-mine sedimentation by cooperation between bottom current and topography.