The importance of the suspended sediment for the uranium non-conservative behavior in the Changjiang Estuary

Zhou Jing,Du Jinzhou,Bi Qianqian,Wang Jinlong,Liu Dantong
Abstract:To study geochemical behavior of uranium in the Changjiang Estuary (CJE),surface water and surface sediment samples were collected along a salinity gradient during January 2014 and March 2013,respectively.The dissolved uranium concentration (DUC)and 234 U/238 U activity ratio (AR)were measured by the inductively cou-pled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).Sequential extraction experiments of surface sediments (collected from the freshwater end-member to the seaward boundary of the sandbar)were also conducted to analyze spatial distri-bution of U components and 234 U/238 U ARs in four fractions:desorption,calcium carbonate,Fe-Mn oxide and or-ganic matter.The results showed that there is an extra source of the dissolved uranium into the CJE by other processes excepting U supplied from the ideal mixing process of river water and seawater.The excess DUC and suspended particle matter (SPM)showed a strong positive correlation (r2 =0.96).Around 2 μmol U can be trans-ferred from per kilogram particulate into aqueous phase through the desorption and calcium carbonate dissolution, but this phenomenon did not occur for the Fe-Mn oxides and particulate organic matter.At the low salinity region, the releasable particulate U with low 234 U/238 U ARs resulted in the measured 234 U/238 U ARs of the water column below the conservative mixing curve,although the DUC points fell on the conservative mixing line.However, flocculations of the iron hydroxide and fine particle may cause simultaneous depletion of the dissolved uranium. Consequently,when the U input and removal rates were approximately equal at the low salinity region,the dis-solved uranium showed apparently conservative phenomenon.At the mid-high salinity region (with high SPM), excess dissolved uranium was observed in the water column,but the U exchange between the particulate and aque-ous phases led to that the releasable 234 U/238 U ARs of the particles were close to the measured 234 U/238 U ARs in the water column.The excess dissolved uranium flux from the particle was estimated as (3.48±0.41)×105 mol/a which occupied 19.3% particlulate U flux [(1.80±0.17)×106 mol/a]into the CJE.The total flux (i.e.,river-ine flux plus additional flux)of the dissolved uranium from the CJE [about (2.68±0.13)×106 mol/a]contributed about 11.7% of the DU input to the world ocean.
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