Diversity of Rice Genetic Resources and Its Utilization and Conservation

m r bellon,d s brar,b r lu,j l pham,dowling n g greenfield s m,k s fischer
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17520/biods.1998011
Abstract:The widespread adoption of improved high2yield rice varieties , which in a large scale replaced tradi2 tional and local rice varieties , has resulted in a great genetic erosion of t he cultivated rice genepool.This pro2 cess has narrowed genetic background of t he cultivated rice.As a result , modern rice varieties become vulnera2 ble and can not stand t he attack of new disease and insect pests , and t he unfavorable changes of environments.Meanwhile , t he long2term use of chemical pesticides and herbicides significantly deteriorated agricultural e2 cosystem.In order to change t his vicious cycle of t he rice ecosystem , it is very important and necessary to ex2 plore and utilize t he genetic biodiversity in t he rice genepool to broaden t he genetic background of t he cultivated rice.The rice genepool encompasses varieties of Asia rice and African rice , weedy rice , wild species of rice in t he genus O ryz a , and species in t he related genera of t he tribe Oryzeae.These are t he essential germplasm re2 sources for t he furt her improvement of cultivated rices.However , due to t he change of agricultural patterns , rapid development of social economy , industrialization and urbanization , biodiversity of t he rice genepool , in2 cluding wild species of rice , is under t hreat .Many populations of wild O ryz a species have been extinct from t heir original sites or are diminishing.Therefore , it is absolutely necessary and essential to strategically safe2 guard and conserve biodiversity of t he rice genepool and to effectively utilize t he elite rice germplasm resources in rice breeding programs.This is t he only way to guarantee t he long2term and sustainable production of rice varieties.
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