Ya-nan LI
Abstract:Grass carp (Ctenopharyngoden idellus) is an economically important fresh wa t er fish in China. Although a significant amount of effort has been devoted to st udy the development of vaccines against infectious diseases in this fish, little was known about the biological features of its immunoglobulin. We induced the immune response in Grass carp with the vaccine consisting of inactivated bacterial Aeromonas hydrohila. The increased level of immuno glob ulin in response to the vaccination challenge was observed. The immunological an d biochemical features of the immunoglobulin protein was characterized.  We used oneyear fish C. idellus of 100 to 150 grams of body weight . Eac h fish in the experimental group received A. hydrophila vaccine (strain TPS 30 one billion inactivated bacteria per ml) at a dose of 0.5 ml. Vaccine solution w as injected into the fish muscle under the back fins. Controlled group of fish r eceived no treatment, but were raised for the same period of time. Sever and 14 days after the first injection, blood was collected from the tail arteries and s era was separated. The activity and specificity of immunoglobulin in fish sera w ere tested with standard agglutination assays conventionally. Immunoglobulin pr oteins was isolated from fish sera either by the fractionation of saturated ammo nium sulfate or by Sephadex G200 gel column chromatography and by high pH disc ontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  Antigenspecific agglutination testing revealed that the highest antibody titer was present in the fraction precipitated with 35% saturated ammonium sulfate, or in the first elution peak of chromatography from the first collected tube. The results by electrophoresis indicated that the components having antigenspecifi c agglutination were mainly located on the B band of the electrophoretic gel. Aft er being treated with 2mercaptoethanol, the agglutination acvtivity for compon ents dropped greatly.  By comparison with nonimmunized control group, electrophoresis under nonredu ci ng conditions identified an extra Bband with Mr=309 kD in the immunized sample s. When this Bband was isolated and subjected to electrophoresis under denaturin g conditions, two separate polypeptides were detected with Mr of 52 kD and 26 kD, respectively, which should be identical of the molecular weights of fish IgG he avy and light chains. Therefore, we conclude that the A. hydrophila induced B bind likely represents a fish IgM class polymerized with four IgG molecules. 
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