Analysis of Innovation Diffusion with Multiple Generations Based on the Norton-Bass Model
HU Zhi-neng,DENG Huan,ZHANG Chi,XU Jiu-ping
Abstract:The research of product diffusion models began in the early 20th century and has gradually become active since 1960s.The Bass(1969) model is one of the most well-known and widely used models used to understand the demand for the first purchase.Bass's original logistic formulation has received a number of modifications and extensions. Multi-generation innovation diffusion can be seen as a special case for the diffusion of competitive products.In the product diffusion area the most famous model is Norton and Bass's(1987) model.In the process of diffusing multi-generation products,the interaction between each generation product reflects customers' preference to different products in their purchasing behavior.When there is only one generation product diffusion in the market,its diffusion process is similar to Bass model.That is the case of normal diffusion of a single product.But when there are new generation products,the market structure will be changed accordingly.The new generation product has upgraded and improved features and can attract new customers.Meanwhile,some consumers who prepare to buy the previous generation product will be attracted by the features of the new generation product,and instead purchase the new generation product.The purchasing behavior of these consumers is not necessarily the same as their original purchase behavior.So it is necessary to explore such interactions in the process of diffusing multi-generation products. The product diffusion process is influenced by a variety of market factors,such as product pricing strategies,consumer purchasing behavior and marketing strategies.When launching a new product,a firm usually can choose two distinct kinds of pricing strategies: skimming strategy and penetration strategy.The skimming strategy uses a high price initially to skim market when the market is still developing in order to recover investment before competitors develop a similar product.In contrast,the penetration strategy uses a low price initially to capture a large market share in order to accelerate the market growth immediately.The repeat purchase behavior of consumers plays an important role in the diffusion process of consumables.According to a survey,75% of the major corporations in the survey use sampling as a promotional tool for their new products,and 52% use it for their established products.Thus,sampling has a vital role in the diffusion process of new products.Another important factor we have to consider is the market entry time of new products.For multi-generation products,the diffusion process and the diffusion results will be different while each generation product is introduced to the market at different times.So,it is more reasonable to explore the diffusion process by including market variables because such research can better reflect the reality. Based on the innovation diffusion with multiple generations,this paper first establishes a basic model of three generations of products.Combining with actual marketing activities,product sampling,and product pricing strategy repeat purchase are introduced to extend the basic model.In the process of diffusing new products,the optimal sampling time and the amounts of free samples are both very important decision variables.The paper researches the optimal sampling strategy and the excepted profit of the multi-generation products under variable pricing strategy combinations.The consideration of repeat purchase improves the analysis results.Focusing on the optimal sampling level,the paper shows that sampling method can accelerate the diffusion process;the repeat purchase can increase sales volume,increase profit,extend sales cycle and induce the firms to sampling more products.The pricing strategy will mainly influence the sampling level of the first generation product.If a firm chooses the penetration strategy,the sampling level of the first generation product should be low.If the firm chooses the skimming strategy,the sampling level of the first generation product should be high in order to increase the total profit.