Impulsive behaviors and psychosocial factors in children with oppositional defiant disorder and attention-deficit /hyperactivity disorder
WANG Chang-Hong,SU Lin-Yan,LI Yan,GENG Yao-Guo,XU Gai-Ling,CONG En-Zhao,NIE Hui-Yao
Abstract:Objectives: To explore the relationship between impulsive behaviors and psychosocial factors in children with oppositional defiant disorder(ODD) and attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).Methods: Totally 152 normal children and 157 impulsive children who were diagnosed as ODD and ADHD according to the Diagnostic and Statistical M anual of M ental Disorders,Fourth Edition(DSM-Ⅳ) and whose average(Barratt Impulsiveness Scale,BIS) score was ≥ 1.5 times the standard deviation of the normal group' mean value.They were assessed with the Egm M innen av Bardnosnauppforstran(EM BU),Family Assessment Device(FAD),Behavioral Style Questionnaire(BSQ),M iddle Childhood Temperament Questionnaire(M CTQ),Piers-Harris Children' s Selfconcept Scale(PHCSS),Self-esteem Inventory(SEI) and Teacher Rating Scale(TRS).Results: The EM BU "affect warmth of father and mother " factor scores were lower in the case group than in the control group(Ps < 0.05).The EM BU "punishment and refusal of father and mother " factor scores were higher in the case group than in the control group(Ps < 0.05).The FAD "affective involvement","behavior control" and "general functioning" scores were higher in the case group than in the control group(Ps < 0.05).The temperament questionnaire "activity level","rhythmicity","intensity of reaction"," feature of mood"," persistency ",and " attention-dispersal" scores were higher in the case group than in the control group(Ps < 0.05).M ost children' s temperament in case group were difficulty(D) and intermediate-difficulty(I-D) type,and there were significant differences between case group and control group(Ps < 0.01).The SEI total scores were significantly lower in the case group than in the control group(P < 0.05).The scores of TRS " conduct"," hyperactivity"," impaired concentration" and " passive",and "hyperactivity index" were higher in the case group than in the control group(Ps < 0.05).Regression analysis showed that disappointing relationship between husband and wife(OR = 4.69),father ' s lack of feeling warmness and understanding(OR = 1.06),poorer adaptability for newsurroundings(OR = 2.60),lower threshold of reaction for newstimulation(OR = 2.75) and impaired concentration(OR = 3.60) were risk factors for impulsive behavior(Ps < 0.05);less mother ' s denial and refusal(OR = 0.90),weaker motor impulsiveness(OR = 0.83),lower activity level(OR = 0.19),weaker intensity of reaction(OR = 0.38),lower hyperactivity index(OR = 0.15),better problem solving(OR = 0.38) and less affective involvement(OR = 0.20) were protection factors of impulsive behavior(Ps < 0.05).Conclusions: It suggests that the ODD and ADHD children with impulsive behaviers have lower self-esteem and their parents have poor parental rearing patterns and family dysfunction.