Improvement of dysarthria and change of quality of life in patients following operation for carcinoma of larynx at 6 months after articulation training
Xiao Zhong Fan,Zhang Zhen-xin,Xu Hua-li
Abstract:Aim: The operation for carcinoma of larynx usually causes the disturbance in patients' language expression. In this study, we aimed to investigate the improvement degree of dysarthria and quality of life(QOL) at different time in the patients following operation for carcinoma of larynx after articulation training. Methods: The tumor tissues were cleaned up trough oral cavity in 63 patients with carcinoma of larynx treated in the Outpatient Department of Five Organs, Haimen People's Hospital from November 2001 to September 2004.The degree of dysarthria was evaluated by the Frenchay evaluation scoring and the QOL was assessed by the questionnaire for QOL in cancer patients after the operation and one week before articulation training. For the Frenchay evaluation scoring, each degree of lesion is classified as a, b, c, d, e grades, the more the "a" accounts for in 28 questions, the closer to normal the ability of articulation is, and oppositely, the milder the ability of articulation is; There are 27 or 28 "a" for normality, 26 to 18 "a" for mild disturbance, 17 to 14 "a" for moderate disturbance, 13 to 7 "a" for severe disturbance, and 6 to 0 "a" for greatly severe disturbance. For the questionnaire for cancer patients, the total score is 98 marks,and the higher the score is, the better the QOL is; The score from 0 to 30 marks is poor, 31 to 60 fair, 61 to 90 good, and 91 to 98 fair. The patients able to join in the articulation training was guided to mouth and tongue exercises (Facing a mirror, the patients practised month to open, close, protrude, and retract, practised the tongue to extend forwards,retract backwards, rise,move bilaterally 1 to 3 minutes once,three or four times a day), phonation exercise (The patients practised pronouncing vowels and consonants one and after the other. When the patients could pronounce consonants smoothly, they would practised pronouncing vowels combined consonants until the exercise of words and sentences.The exercise was 30 to 40 minutes once, twice a day) and breath exercise (The patients blew a substance in a very near distance, and when the substance moved distantly because of the airflow, the patients was instructed to prolong their breath 20 minutes once per day). At 2, 4 and 6 months after articulation training, the degree of dysarthria and QOL in patients were evaluated again, and the influence of articulation training on the QOL was also investigated. Results: All the 63 selected patients were involved in the result analysis. (1) The score of the Frenchay evaluation scoring before and after articulation training: As compared with before articulation training, the number percentage of patients suffering from severe and greatly severe dysarthria was significantly decreased at 2,4 and 6 months after articulation training(54.0%, 12.7%, 9.5%, 6.3%; 4.7%, 3.2%, 1.6%, 1.6%; u = 1.96, P < 0.05). (2) The change of QOL before and after articulation training: As compared with before articulation training, the QOL was significantly improved at 2,4 and 6 months after articulation training, especially more significantly at 6 months(u=3.18, P < 0.01). (3) The QOL from different aspects in patients before and after articulation training: As compared with before articulation training, the score of the body, mental health, social relationship and function in QOL was significantly promoted at 2, 4 and 6 months after articulation training, especially at 6 months (t= 2.26 to 3.15, P < 0.01). Conclusion: Proper articulation training for patients following operation for carcinoma of larynx will always promote the QOL in patients along with the prolonging of training, indicating that the proper articulation training can enhance the language ability of patients after operation for carcinoma of larynx, be beneficial to adjusting the self-emotion of patients, relax mental pressure and thus improve their QOL.