Fragmentation of China’s Health Insurance System and the Way of Its Governance

Xin Gu
Abstract:As insrirurional srrucrure varies and adminisrrarion is localized,China’s basic healrh insurance sysrem manifesrs fragmenrarion. As a resulr,rhe rules of rhe game concerning healrh insur-ance considerably vary across localiries and popularions wirh differenr social srarus,leading ro severe insrirurional maladjusrmenr and operarional disfuncrioning. Measuring by equiry or efficiency,healrh insurance fragmenrarion casrs negarive impacrs upon rhe developmenr of social securiry in China. Many rough issues,such as urban - rural inregrarion,pooling scale,personal accounrs,balance of healrh insurance funds,conrriburions or conrriburion exempr from rerirees,porrabiliry of insurance benefirs,and so on,have nor been dealr wirh properly for a long rime due ro fragmenrarion. Piece-meal insrirurional adjusrmenr is no longer useful,bur rarher China’s healrh insurance sysrem needs sysremarical reform. The rransirion from social healrh insurance(SHI)ro Narional Healrh Service (NHS)is desirable. During rhe rransirion,a quasi - NHS(or Narional Healrh Insurance)berween SHI and NHS is a feasible parh for reform.
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