Clinical Anatomy Study on Neurocutaneous Vascular Flap
HE Bo,FU Guo,ZHENG Can-bing,ZHU Qing-tang,DING Zi-hai,GU Li-qiang,WANG Zeng-tao,LIU Xiao-lin
Abstract:Objective To provide vascular feature of neurocutaneous vascular flap and anatomical details about how to design the flap.Methods Ten fresh human body sample with twenty limb were perfused.The clinical anatomy of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve,medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve,sural nerve,superficial peroneal nerve,saphenous nerve and their nutrient vessels were studied.The distribution of their nutrient perforators were observed.Results Neurocutaneous nutrient vessels or nutrition artery with large diameter were accompanying nervus cutaneus by a long distance; Or longitudinal vascular chains were formed by ramus communicans with the ascending branches and descending branches from multiple segmental vessels.Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve,lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve,sural nerve,superficial peroneal nerve,saphenous nerve has the ulnar artery perforating branches,radial artery perforating branches,anteriolateral supra malleolar perforating branches,posterolateral supra malleolar perforating branches,medial supra malleolar perforating branches,accompanied separately,and the occurrence rate were 100%,95%,80%,90%,100% respectively.Conclusion Cutaneous branch from the main deep artery is the anatomical basis of neurocutaneous nutrient vessel.Its distribution also accord to "pressure balance" rule.Mostly nervus cutaneus had constant perforator attending to suply its nutrition.Actually neurocutaneous nutrient vessel is a predictable and reliable vascular chain.