Study on the significance of combination of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of oblique vaginal septum syn-drome:a report of 8 cases

Xiao-ying ZHANG,Yong-jun WANG
Abstract:Objective Toexploretheclinicalsignificanceofhysteroscopycombinedwithlaparoscopyintreatmentofpatientswithoblique vaginalseptumsyndrome.Methods Theclinicaldataof8patientswithobliquevaginalseptumsyndromeduringJanuary2009toDecember2011 treatedwithcombinedlaparoscopyandhysteroscopywereretrospectivelyanalyzed.Results Amongthese8patients,theirmeanagewas22years old,married in 3 cases and unmarried in 5 cases. One of these 8 patients had primary amenorrhea,7 cases with irregular menstruation,and 6 ca-ses with periodic abdominal pain. Among them,3 patients were suspected of oblique vaginal septum by preoperative ultrasonography,but their di-agnosis was not certain,all patients including 7 cases of right oblique septum,1 case of left oblique septum and 1 case associated with uterine sep-tum were diagnosed by oblique vaginal resection under hysteroscopy combined with hysteroscopy,and they were treated by excision of septum. Downward oblique vaginal septum resection had been performed in 4 cases with hysteroscopy under the monitoring of laparascopy and B ultrasound, operation had been performed in 3 cases with laparoscopic monitoring operation. All these 3 patients got good postoperative recovery,their symp-toms were relieved with intact hymen,and no recurrence occurred up to now,and 5 patients had no pregnancy due to contraception. Conclusion Obliquevaginalseptumsyndromecanbeearlierdiagnosedandtreatedunderlaparoscopycombinedwithhysteroscopy,thiskindofprocedurehas the advantages of less trauma,fewer complications,avoiding the damage of hymen and low rate of recurrence.
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