The Role of Hypertriglyceridemia for Acute Kidney Injury in the Course of Acute Pancreatitis and an Animal Model.
Congye Wu,Lei Zou,Shujing Shi,Zhihui Tong,Xiao Shen,Dongliang Yang,Lu Ke,Weiqin Li,Jieshou Li
Abstract:OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study was to investigate the role of hypertriglyceridemia for acute kidney injury (AKI) in the course of acute pancreatitis.METHODS:Patients with acute pancreatitis were retrospectively divided into four groups according to admission triglyceride: normal group, mild HTG group, moderate HTG group and severe HTG group. Clinical characteristics were compared among these groups. Wild type (WT) mice and Human ApoC III transgenic (ApoCIIItg) mice were used in the next animal experiments. Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) model was established by retrograde injection of 0.5% sodium taurocholate (0.1 ml/100 g) from duodenum to pancreatic duct. Histological scores, serum amylase, creatinine, usea nitrogen were compared between WT mice and ApoCIIItg mice.RESULTS:Two hundred and sixty-two patients were classified into 4 groups: normal TG (104, 39.7%), mild HTG (72, 27.5%), moderate HTG (47, 17.9%), and severe HTG (39, 14.9%) groups. The proportions of AKI were 13.5% (14/104, normal), 13.9% (10/72, mild), 21.3% (10/47, moderate), and 38.5% (15/39, severe), respectively. After establishing SAP model, the levels of serum amylase (P < 0.05) and pancreatic histological score (P < 0.05) of ApoCIII-SAP-9h group were significantly higher than that of WT-SAP-9h group, respectively. ApoCIII-SAP-9h group had significantly higher levels of serum creatinine (P < 0.001), usea nitrogen (P < 0.001), and kidney histological score (P < 0.05) than that of WT-SAP-9h group, respectively.CONCLUSIONS:Mild HTG has little adverse impact on disease severity of acute pancreatitis; severe HTG can aggravate kidney injury in the course of acute pancreatitis. ApoCIII-SAP mice have more serious pancreatic damage and kidney injury than WT-SAP mice.