Intervention of estrogen and androgen in osteoporosis formation of orchidectomized rats
Abstract:Objective To study the changes in bone mineral de nsity (BMD) of lumbar spines, femoral neck, trochanter and proximal femur, and b one microstructure of femoral neck in orchidectomized rats with estrogen-and a ndr ogen-osteoporosis Methods 39 male Wistar rats, 3 to 4 month s old, were randomly divided into four groups of sham surgery (Sham), orchidectomy (Orch), orchidectomy + estrogen (Orch+E 2) and orchidectomy+ androgen (Orch+T ), and raised 18 weeks under the same conditions BMD in lumbar spine, femoral n eck, trochanter and proximal femur for all rats were determined by Hologic QDR- 2 000+DEXA before sacrifice All animals were Labelled with bone fluorescent reag en ts at 14/13 days and 3/2 days before killing Plasma of all rats were collected to determine concentrations of estradiol and testosterone by radioimunoassay L eft proximal femur stripped off soft tissues was embedded in methyl methacrylate and sectioned, and then bone histomorphometry of the femoral neck was performed Results The BMD in lumbar spine, femoral neck, femoral troc h anter and proximal femur of the Orch group decreased, with statistic ally signif icant difference, compared with the Sham group (P0 01) The BMD in the s am e parts of the Orch+E 2 group was the highest among the four groups, but not si gnificantly different from that of the Sham group The static parameters, such a s percentage of trabecular area (%Tb Ar), and trabecular number (Tb N), in the O rch group decreased (P0 01), and trabecular separation (Tb Sp) in the Or ch group increased to that in the Sham group (P0 01) All static parameter s in the Orch+T and the Orch+E 2 maintained at the same level as that in the Sham The dynamic parameters, such as percentage of labeled perimeter (%L Pm), BFR /B S, BFR/BV and BFR/TV, in the Orch increased to that in the Sham (P0 01) T he bone resorption parameters, such as osteoclast in trabecular area (Oc No) an d osteoclast in trabecular perimeter (Oc No/Tb Pm), in the Orch increased to th a t in the Sham (P0 01) All dynamic parameters in the Orch+T and the Orch + E 2 maintained at the same level as those in the Sham Conclusion Estrogen or androgen can restrain the high bone turnover and prevent osteopo rosis in orchidectemized rats Estrogen has an important role in accrual of pea k bone mass and maintaining bone mass in male rats Androgen possibly plays a be tt er role than estrogen in maintaining bone microstructure in orchidectemized rats