Distinction between prostaglandin E2 and prostacyclin as inhibitors of granulomatous inflammation
M. Parnham,I. Bonta,M. Adolfs
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2042-7158.1979.tb13589.x
Abstract:Prostaglandins (PGs) of the E series, are detectable at inflamed sites and exert pro-inflammatory actions, such as vasodilatation and potentiation of plasma exudation induced by other mediators (see Flower 1977). However, with animal models of chronic inflammation, high doses of PGEs exert anti-inflammatory actions in vivo (see Bonta & Parnham 1978). Recently, we observed that local administration of PGE,, at 1000-fold lower doses than those used by other authors, during the early phase of spongeinduced granulomatous inflammation, enhances subsequent granuloma formation, whereas administration during the later phase inhibits granuloma formation (Bonta & Parnham 1979). In fact, in rats which were deficient in the fatty acid precursors of endogenous PGs, exogenous PGEl inhibited granuloma formation when given at the low daily dose of 50ng. We now report similar proand anti-granuloma effects with low doses of PGE, (the most commonly detected PG at inflamed sites) and additionally show that the later inhibitory effects of PGE, on granuloma formation are capable of counteracting the early stimulatory effects. We have also compared the inhibitory action of PGE, with other PGs including prostacyclin (PGIJ, a novel PG (Moncada et al 1976) which has been found to exert similar actions to PGE,, including vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability (Peck & Williams 1978; Higgs et al 1978b; Murota et al 1978). Granulomatous inflammation was induced in rats, using subcutaneously implanted, carrageenan-soaked, polyether sponges (2 per rat) with indwelling cannulae (Bonta et a1 1979), and the PGs were injected either with the 1 ml 2% Na carrageenan on implantation (day 1) and/or through the cannulae (in 0.51111) at different times, as described earlier (Bonta & Parnham (Moncada et a1 1976). All rats were killed on day 8, sponges removed and granuloma formation expressed as the dry weight of tissue surrounding the sponges (Bonta et a1 1979). In some experiments, both adrenals from each rat were removed and weighed together, their weights being expressed in terms of 1OOg body weight. Table 1 shows that, while injection of PGE, (2 pg) into sponges on implantation (day 1) had no effect on granuloma formation, measured after 8 days, the same daily dose administered on days 1-3 enhanced granuloma formation after 8 days. This action is similar to the granuloma stimulation produced by PGE, (1 pg), which was thought to be secondary to an initial vasodilating action, following injection on day 1 (Bonta & Parnham 1979). Furthermore, the inhibition of 8 day granuloma formation caused by administration of PGEa on days 4-7 (Table 1) was identical to the effect of PGE, administered over the same period (Bonta & Parnham 1979). It should be noted that the increase in control (saline-treated) granuloma weights with progressively later treatment periods, is coinci dental, since, in a large number of control experiments, granuloma weight was unrelated to timing of saline treatment, despite considerable variation in granuloma weights (Bonta et al 1979). Furthermore, it was previously found that this variation in granuloma weights did not alter the effects of added PGEl (Bonta & Parnham 1979). Thus, PGE, injected on day 1 enhanced granuloma weight when control values ranged from 0.32 to 0.78 g and when injected on days 4-7, PGE, inhibited granuloma weight in experiments in which control values ranged from 0.35 to 1.03 g. In the present study PGE,, administered on days 4-7, inhibited granuloma weight in two experiments in which