The preliminary clinical experience on ABO-incompatiblc liver transplantation
LIANG Ting-bo,TANG Xiao-feng,WANG Wei-lin,LU An-wei,SHEN Yan,ZHANG Min,YU Jun,ZHUANG Li,ZHANG Sai-jun,ZHENG Shu-sen,梁廷波,汤晓锋,王伟林,卢安卫,沈岩,张珉,俞军,庄莉,张赛君,郑树森
Abstract:Objective To evaluate emergent ABO-incompatible liver transplantation. Methods From April 1993 to April 2005, 8 patients including 5 with O type and 3with non-O type received emergent orthotopic liver transplantation(EOLT) with ABO-incompatible grafts among 410 OLT cases. All 8 patients were treated with quadruple immunosuppression therapy including Tacrolimus (FK506), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), methylprednisolone and IL-2R antibody (Daclizumab or Basilixmab) perioperatively. Acute rejection, vascular thromboses, biliary tract complication, infection status, and liver and kidney function were monitored. Results The 6-month patient survival rate was 50%. The mortality in perioperative period was 50% due to haemorrhage, infection, and multiorgan failure. The patient survival rates at 6 months with O blood group and non-O blood group, MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) score<30 and≥30, CTP (Child-Turcotte-Pugh) score<13 and≥13, severe hepatitis B and non-severe hepatitis B, splenectomy and non-splenectomy were 80% and 0%, 50% and 33%, 75% and 25%, 25% and 75%, 33% and 60%, respectively. Postoperative complications included acute rejection occurred in one recipient successfully treated by methyiprednisolone, bile leakage in 1, liver necrosis and abscess in 2, renal failure in 2, and bacteria or/and fungus infection in 6. Conclusions The prognosis of patients receiving ABO incompatible liver graft is poor, hence it is only applicable in the setting of emergency.