Clinicopathologic Characteristics in 63 Cases with Lung Adenosquamous Carcinoma

Abstract:[Purpose] To investigate the clinicopathologic characteristics of lung adenosquam ouscarcinom a. [M ethods] The clinicaland pathologicalrecords of63 cases with lung adenosqua-m ous carcinom a from Jan.1994 to Dec.2004 were reviewed retrospectively. [Results] Of63 caseswith lung adenosquam ous carcinom a,19.0% (12/63)was pathology proved pre-operation,47 casesunderwentpulm onary lobectom y, 16 cases underwenttotalpneum onectom y and 12 cases receivedneoadjuvantchem otherapy. Postoperative TNM staging was as following :stageⅠ,11 cases;stageⅡ,14;stage Ⅲ,37;stage Ⅳ ,1. Forty-nine cases(77.8% ) had lym ph nodes metastasis. [Con-clusion] Lung adenosquamous carcinoma is an aggressive tum orwith poorprognosis. The treat-mentshould take priority ofsurgery with multi-modality therapy adjuvant.
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