CorreIation betWeen Incidence of Gastric Cancer in China and StatisticaI Year-book Indicators: 1989-2014

Chuan Han,Qiong Wu,Zhen Ni,Ting Yuan,Jian Zhang,Jie Liu,Nina Sun,Miao Shi,Caifang Liu,Yongquan Shi
DOI: 3969/j. issn. 1674-0904. 2019. 05. 009
Abstract:To ana1yze the trend of gastric cancer incidence in China during 30 years, find the most imPortant factor af-fecting the incidence of gastric cancer, and Provide usefu1 guidance for the Prevention and treatment of gastric cancer in China. Meth-ods: Weana1yzed the corre1ation between each inf1uencing factor and the incidence of gastric cancer in that year. First1y, we recorded each inf1uencing factor and figured out rs, the Spearman rank corre1ation coefficient, using bivariate corre1ation statistica1 method. Sec-ond1y, we ordered the statistica11y significant inf1uentia1 factors by the abso1ute va1ues of rs. ResuIts: The incidence of gastric cancer in rura1 areas dec1ined genera11y, whi1e that in urban areas had been stab1e and far be1ow the 1eve1 in rura1 areas. However, the incidences of gastric cancer in urban and rura1 areas became c1ose since 2009 when the incidence in urban areasbegan to rise s1ight1y. The incidence of gastric cancer was negative1y corre1ated tofresh fruit consumPtion, disPosab1e income, refrigerator ownershiP and the aging 1eve1. ; that in urban areas was negative1y corre1ated to the ProPortion of urban PoPu1ation; and that in rura1 areaswas Positive-1y corre1ated to the consumPtion of high1y sa1ted food, the ProPortion of chemica1 oxygen demand in industria1 wastewater, the ProPortion of ammonia nitrogen in industria1 wastewater and the ProPortion of rura1 PoPu1ation. ConcIusion: In recent 30 years, the incidence of gastric cancer has been decreasing in China, which is main1y caused by the deve1oPment of socia1 economy and the change of 1ife sty1e.
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