Cognitive Function in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Abstract:Objective: To explore cognitive function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Methods: 36 ADHD+ODD children, 36 pure ADHD children and 36 normal controls (criteria of DSM-IV) (group matched by sex, age and ADHD subtypes) were collected as our sample. The research instruments included C-WISC, WMS, Number Cancellation Test, Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, and the Stroop Test.Results:In information, similarities, coding, verbal IQ, performance IQ, full IQ, factor A, factor C, experience/orientation, psyche, reproduction, touch, long-term memory, short-term memory, MQ, standardized score of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, time of parts A, C and total time in Stroop Test, two case groups had significantly different scores with those of normal controls, and there was no difference between two case groups; there were tendencies that normal group had higher total score and lower mean error rate than those of two case groups (F=2.521,P=0.093; χ 2=5.150,P=0.076) in Number Cancellation Test; in arithmetic, digit span, block design, factor B, and time of parts B and D in Stroop Test, ADHD group had lower functions than those of normal controls; ADHD+ODD group had tendency of higher standardized score of Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices than that of ADHD group (Z=-1.674,P=0.094).Conclusion:ADHD children with or without ODD have similar cognitive mode, and if the sample enlarged, some difference between the two case groups might be found.