Surgery Treatment of Children with Sleep Apnea Syndrome

XIAO Kuanlin,HE Peijie,LIN Yuexin,CHI Fanglu,SHA Yan
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To investigate the value oftonsillectomy and adenoidectomy(TA)in improvingquality of life(QOL)in children with sleep apneasyndromes(SAS),and whether OSA - 18 can be usedas a valuable measure to evaluate QOL in children withSAS and effect of TA. METHODS Pediatric OSAdisease-specific QOL survey(OSA - 18)was used toevaluate the QOL of 168 children with SAS within 4weeks before surgery and in 6 to 12 months afteroperation. To evaluate the relationship between OSA -18 scores and AHI,LSaO2,adenoid-nasopharynx ration(A / N). RESULTS The impact of pediatric SAS on QOLwas severe in 30.36 % patients. There were significantstatistically correlation between OSA - 18 total scorespre-operation and AHI,LSaO2,A / N. After surgery,thetotal scores of QOL were remarkably improved in73.81 % cases in general. CONCLUSION There aresignificant values of TA in improving the QOL of pedi-atric SAS cases. There are significant correlations be-tween the OSA - 18 scores and the objective data inPSG . OSA - 18 can be used as a valuable measure inclinical diagnosis of SAS and evaluating effects of treatment.
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