Expression of C-fos and K-ras proteins during carcinogenesis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and its significance

Abstract:Objective:To approach the relationship between oncogene C-fos,K-ras and intrahep atic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC)and the significance.Method:ICC was success ful ly in duced in syrian ham sters by aminopyrine and ni trite.The ex pression of C-fos,K-ras was detected by im munohis to chem istry dur ing ICC carcinogenesis and was semiquanti tative analyzed through analysis of im age pattern.Re sult:An over-expression of C-fos protein was found in intra hepatic bile duct hyperpla sia,and the expred dion level and the positive rates of expression rose grad ually along with the development of hyperpla sia and in the course of ICC carcinogen esis.However,overex pression of K-ras pro tein was found on ly in a few cases of atypi cal hyperpla sia,adenoma and ICC.Conclu sion:The acti vation of c-fos genes and the overex pression of C-fos pro tein may be not only early events but also pre sent in the en tire course of ICC carcinogenesis.The ac-tivation and overexpression of K-ras pro tein may only be related to some cases of ma lig nant transform ing of epitheial cells in the bile duct.
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