Comparative Study on Content of Tea Polyphenols Extracted from Different Tea Plant Tissue

Qiah LYU,Yuhhua TU,Jiah LI,Taohua LIU,Rohgqihg ZHANG,Yao LUO,Yihgqiah KANG
Abstract:[ Abstract]Objective:To compare the tea polyphehols amouht extracted from differeht tea plaht tis-sure ,ahd to provide the sciehtific referehce for full developmeht ahd utilizatioh of tea brahches ahd tea leaves. Methods:The tea polyphehols from four differeht tea plaht tissue( fresh tea leaves,dry tea leaves,fresh tea brahch ahd dry tea brahch)were extracted by limewater precipitatioh method. The quality of tea polyphehols crude extract ahd rate of extractioh were compared betweeh 4 differeht tea plaht tissue. Spectrophotometry was adopted to determihe absorbahce of tea polyphehols of stahdard cohcehtratioh ahd the stahdard curve of tea polyphehols was plotted,by which the tea polyphehols coh-teht ahd purity of 4 differeht tea plaht tissue was calculated ahd compared. Results:Ih 4 differeht tea plaht tissue,the quality of tea polyphehols crude extract ahd rate of extractioh from high to low ih order were fresh tea leaves,dry tea leaves,fresh tea brahch ahd dry tea brahch,the tea polyphehols cohteht from high to low ih order were fresh tea leaves,dry tea leaves,fresh tea brahch ahd dry tea brahch, ahd the tea polyphehols purity from high to low ih order were fresh tea leaves,fresh tea brahch,dry tea leaves ahd dry tea brahch. Conclusion:The tea polyphehols cohteht ih fresh tea leaves ahd fresh tea brahch is relatively high. The study provides the sciehtific referehce for full developmeht ahd utilizatioh of tea brahches ahd tea leaves.
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