Changes of Platelet Function after Antiplatelet Therapy and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of COX-1 and COX-2 in Elderly Patients

Chinese General Practice
Abstract:Objective Toinvestigatetheimpactsofantiplatelettherapy(APT)onplateletfunctionandthesingle nucleotide polymorphism( SNP) of COX-1 and COX-2 in elderly patients,to provide individualized intervention guidance for clinicalAPT.Methods FromJanuary2011toDecember2012,atotalof114patients(agedover60years)havingtakenba-yaspirin over 1 year were enrolled in this study,including 55 with thrombotic high-risk factors( group A),59 who ever had ar-tery thrombosis incidence( group B),another 55 healthy subjects enrolled as control group. Blood platelet count( PLT),mean platelet volume(mPV),thromboelastogram(TEG-mA),arachidonic acid-induced platelet inhibition rate(TEG-AA), COX-1-1676A﹥GandCOX-2-765G﹥CSNPweredeterminedin3groups.Results Therewasnosignificantdifference in PLT in 3 groups(P﹥0. 05). mPV,TEG-mA were greater in group B than in groups A,control(P﹤0. 05). All partici-pants were divided,according to TEG-AA,into groups non-aspirin-sensitive(NAS,n=66),aspirin-sensitive(AS,n=103);there were significant differences in COX-1 -1676A ﹥G genotype and allele frequencies between 2 groups( P ﹤0.05),therewasnoinCOX-2-765G﹥Cgenotypeandallelefrequencies(P﹥0.05).Conclusion Increasedactivityof PLT,a major cause for thrombogenesis,has aspirin resistance( AR) in elderly patients having APT due to thrombotic high-risk factors or ever having artery thrombosis incidence. COX-1-1676A﹥G SNP may be related to AR,COX-2-765G﹥G SNP may not.
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