General Practitioners' Recognition and Acceptance to Family Doctors System in Zhabei District,Shanghai

Chinese General Practice
Abstract:Objective ToknowFPs'recognitionandacceptancetothefamilydoctorsysteminZhabeiDistrictand providereferencesforfurtherpromotionofthefamilydoctorserviceinShanghai.Methods 118generalpractitionersonthepost on the same day with the investigation in all the 9 community health service centers during July,2O13 were selected as the re-search subjects. They were investigated by self-designed questionnaire according to the investigation result in the experimental u-nits about their basic condition,awareness of family doctor system carried out by government,self evaluation of qualification for the service items,understanding of the service features of the system,reflection of the service and incentive mechanism and the biggestpressureinfrontofthem.Results 118questionnairesweresentout,receiving118questionnaireswith1OO.O%recovery rate. There were 117 valid questionnaires with an effective rate of 99. 2%. Among the 117,42 were males(35. 9%) and 75 were females(64. 1%);12(1O. 2%)knew in 2O13 Shanghai government began to extend the system;7O(59. 8%)knew that in 2O2O Shanghai would fully realize the system;over 9O% knew family doctors' main services" referral to upper hospitals, health consultation,disease management and appointment out-patient clinic";59. 8%(7O/117) knew " addition of chronicmedicine types" . 15. 4%( 18/117 ) thought their clinical medical skill could absolutely satisfy the service requirements;for the item of the necessity of improving their skill if they took the responsibility of family doctors,17. 9%(21/117) chose" ab-solutely necessary" and 54. 7%( 64/117 ) chose " necessary";55. 5%( 65/117 ) thought they needed technical training to improve professional level;71. 8%(84/117) agreed home service;38. 5%(45/117) thought the green pathway of the refer-ral to upper hospitals smooth and effective;6O. 7%(71/117) thought it was feasible to undertake the service of " community diagnosis";4O. 2% ( 47/117 ) thought it was possible to implement individualized health management to the signed citi-zens. 57. 3%(67/117) thought the number of each family doctor service object should be controlled under 5OO people. 96. 6%(113/117)thought the financial award was the best way to improve family doctors' enthusiasm. 9O. 6%(1O6/117)believed the key measure to the in-depth development of family doctor system was to improve the treatment. They listed the top three pres-sures:increasing amount of services(78. 6%,92/117),the inequality of pay and benefits(75. 2%,88/117),and door-to-doorservice(4O.2%,47/117).Conclusion CurrentlyZhabeiDistrictFPs'awarenessandacceptanceoffamilydoctor system is better,but there are three major issues affecting the further promotion of the family doctor service,mainly manifested in the community first contact care,skills training and practical development in health management.
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