Endoscopic cubital tunnel release in treatment of idiopathic cubital tunnel syndrome
Ming Yang,Wei Huang,Tianbing Wang,Dianying Zhang,Zhongguo Fu,Jian Xiong,Jianhai Chen,Baoguo Jiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5790.2016.04.007
Abstract:Background Idiopathic cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common nerve entrapment in the upper extremity.Because of the poor prognosis,the treatment principle of the cubital tunnel syndrome is to release ulnar nerve as early as possible for the cases whose conservative treatment is failed.There are several kinds of surgical methods to treat cubital tunnel syndrome,such as open release and anterior transposition,open in situ decompression,and the newest endoscopic cubital tunnel release.There is no accepted standard for surgical treatment at present.We performed endoscopic cubital tunnel release for 1 5 cases and obtained satisfactory results.We performed this retrospective study to explore the new surgical methods and its effects.A group of 20 cases treated by conventional open release and anterior transposition were in the control group.Methods (1 )General information:All the 35 cases of idiopathic cubital tunnel syndrome were treated by surgery and followed up from October 2012 to June 201 5.According to the surgical method,all the case were divided into two groups.20 cases accepted conventional open release and subcutaneous anterior transposition,and 1 5 cases accepted endoscopic cubital tunnel release.All the cases obtained detailed preoperative physical examination,such as sensory decrease of the hand,intrinsic muscle atrophy and strength decrease, and Tinel′s sign of the elbow. The accessory electrophysiology tests were performed.According to McGowan score,all the cases were divided into grade Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ.The data such as gender,age,dominant side,durations of symptoms,and preoperative McGowan,can be seen in table 1.(2)Surgery methods:Open release and anterior transposition group:The patient was placed supine on the operating table,with the shoulder abducted and externally rotated and the arm was on the table.A tourniquet was placed high on the brachium.The procedure was performed under regional anesthesia with sedation.A longitudinal incision was performed on the medial side of the elbow.During the subcutaneous exposure,the medical antebrachial cutaneous nerve and vein branch must be identified.The ulnar nerve was then identified just posterior to medial epicondyle.Next we released the cubital tunnel retinaculum,anconeus epitrochlearis muscle and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) aponeurosis distally,and then released the deep brachial fascia,the intermuscular septum,and the arcade of Struthers proximally.After complete release,the ulnar nerve was transposed anterior to the medial epicondyle,and overhanged by sling which was made by partial aponeurosis of the flexor common muscle and pronator muscle.After complete hemostasis,the wound was closed.Endoscopic cubital tunnel release group:we applied the endoscopic cutital tunnel release (ECTR)technique which was recommend by Dr.Cobb.The instrument system was made in Beijing university of Aeronautics and Astronautics.The position,anesthesia and tourniquet were the same to those of the open release and anterior transposition group.A 2-3 cm longitudinal incision was made over the cubital tunnel,just posterior to the medial epicondyle.The ulnar nerve was then palpated just posterior to medial epicondyle.An anconeus epitrochlearis muscle and cubital tunnel retinaculum was incised directly over the cubital tunnel.After the the roof of the cubital tunnel is incised,the ulnar nerve was identified. The opening in the cubital tunnel should be sufficient enough to allow instrumentation placed without binding.Then we used blunt-tip scissors to dissect adipose tissue and superficial nerves off the deep fascia,and created a 10 cm subcutaneous cannal both proximally and distally.Then we created another cannal to dissect the soft tissue over the course of the ulnar nerve using blunt-tip scissors. Next the working instrument was placed into the two cannals.The spatula was placed into potential space between the deep fascia and the subcutaneous adipose. The cannula and trochar were immediately placed into the second cannal superficial to the ulnar nerve.Before the insertion of the instrument,it must be moistened by saline and should be advanced without resistance.Then the trochar was withdrawn,and the scope was placed into the cannula and turned to the inferior slots so the nerve could be identified.The ulnar nerve should be identified throughout the entire course of the cannula,and rotation of the cannula might be helpful in this procedure.Then the fascia was divided with bifurcate blade along the superior slot of the cannula.The fascia should be divided only if the nerve was clearly identified throughout the entire length of the intended release.Following the release of fascia,the completeness of release should be checked with endoscope.During the distal release,the muscle of the flexor pronator mass was seen through the superior slot of the cannula,but its release was not necessary because of the unnecessary bleeding.Then the tourniquet was deflated,and pressure was applied.The retractor was placed into the incision,and the endoscope was used to visualize the surgical field both proximally and distally, confirming that complete release and hemostasis had been obtained.At last,the passive flexion of the elbow must be performed to confirm there was no dislocation of the ulnar nerve.Once happened,the anterior transposition might be needed.The wound was tightly closed and a compressive dressing was applied.(3 )Postoperative rehabilitation and follow-ups.The patients should mobilize the affected elbow as he or she could endure the pain.We evaluated the effect of surgery using the Wilson and Krout rating system modified by Heithoff.The difference between two groups were compared in complications,operating time, hospitalization time, time of returning to normal activity, the satisfactory degree,etc.The electrophysiology also performed and compared with pre-operation.(4 )Statistical methods:SPSS 1 9.0 software was used.The measurement data were indicated as means ± standard deviations. Fisher′s test were performed in the comparison of the measurement data between two groups,the Independent-Sample t test was used for the comparison of meacurement data in the two groups;P <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results After follow-ups for an average of 1 6 months, the effect of two groups were the same in the Wilson and Krout rating system modified by Heithoff. The effect of endoscopic cubital tunnel release group was better than that of open release and anterior transposition group in complications,operating time,hospitalization time and time of returning to normal activity.In the arthroscopic cubital tunnel release group,there was one case who accepted second open release and anterior transposition because of the poor results. Conclusions The contraindications for arthroscopic cubital tunnel release were masses or space-occupying lesions,elbow contractures requiring release,cubitus valgus,and ulnar nerve subluxating.Endoscopic cubital tunnel release was a reliable technique characterized by a short incision,minimum soft tissue dissection, lower complication rate and early postoperative mobilization.However,there are some challenges in the technique,and complications may occur sometimes.