Clinical application and value of digestive tract stents

Chen ZHANG,Mei-dong XU
New Medicine
Abstract:Inrecentyears,clinicalapplicationofdigestivetractstentisanimportantmarkofthede-velopment history of interventional therapy for digestive tract diseases. In clinical practice,implantation of suit-able stents according to different sites of lesions could effectively reconstruct the unobstructed digestive tract, and explore a new therapeutic approach for untreatable or refractory diseases by conventional surgery. Stent placement has been widely applied across the world due to multiple advantages including easy operation,mini-mal invasion,satisfactory effect and few complications. Various novel categories of stents,such as biodegrada-ble stents,drug-loaded stents,radioactive particles-loaded stents and gene stents,have been increasingly ap-plied in clinical settings and achieved more desirable outcomes compared with traditional methods.
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