Optimization of Environmental and Economic Effects in Waste Treatment of Intensive Livestock Production:an Analysis Based on“Ecological- economic”Model

MA Yong-xi,WANG Ying
Abstract:Livestock farm ing pollution isthe m ain source ofnon-pointsource pollution in ruralarea ofC hina.In practice, it’s im portantto determ ine the technicaloptim ization to am eliorate w aste treatm entm ethods to im prove the econom ic and ecologicaleffects ofthe livestock production.The authors developed an integrated“ecological--econom ic”m odelto sim ulate the im pactofw aste m anagem entim provem ents on econom ic and environm entalbenefits forthe case ofa pilot pig farm . The sim ulation results revealed that the econom ic-environm ental benefits of the livestock farm w ould be im proved by reasonable returning the m anure applied in cropland and using integrated w aste treatm ent technologies. H ow ever, the lack of sufficient econom ic incentive posed difficulty in w aste disposal and utilization for intensive livestock farm s.Itim plies thattechnologicaland econom ic supportpolicies should be im plem ented com prehensively on w aste m anagem entto prom ote sustainable developm entofintensive livestock production in C hina.
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