Impacts of consumers’trust in traceable food labels on consumers’willingness to pay under preference heterogeneity constraints:A case study of pork products

LIU Zeng-jin,QIAO Juan,SHEN Xin-qi
Abstract:Foodtraceabilitysystem contributestosolvetheproblem offoodqualityandsafety.Traceablefoodlabelisa m ajor m eans to identify the traceability food. T herefore the level of consum ers’trust in traceable food label and its im pacts on consum ers’w illingness to pay deserve m ore attention. U sing the consum er survey data in X i’an, applying consum erdecision processm odel,contingentvaluation m ethod and binary logitm odel,thispaperexam ined the im pacts ofconsumers’trustintraceablefoodlabelonconsumers’willingnesstopayunderpreferenceheterogeneityconstraints. R esults show that 1) consum ers’preferences can be divided into food safety, high-quality, and low price;2) under the food safety preference,leveloftrustin traceable pork labelhas a significantinfluence on consum ers’w illingness to pay;3) under the other preferences, the influence of trust level is not significant. E m pirical analysis also indicates that the averagewillingnesstopayforporkwithtraceablelabelinfoodsafetypreferenceandotherpreferencesare43.64yuan/kg and 40.40 yuan/kg respectively. B ased on the research, it is suggested that the governm ent should initiate a propaganda for traceable pork and im prove the traceability system coverage and public participation.From enterprises’perspective, they should consciously m aintain traceable pork m arket order and m ake great efforts to expand the m arket share. For consum ers,they should try to im prove their consciousness and cognition of food traceability.
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