Effects of NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio on secondary metabolism and disease resistance of Chrysanthemum morifolium

ZHANG Peng,WANG Kang-cai,ZHAO Jie,ZHAO Xiu-mei,GUO Qing-hai,CHEN Zhi-xiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2014.0619
Abstract:Objectives]Many researches have invo1ved in the re1ationshiP between nitrogen forms and host nutrition and disease severity,and the effects of nitrogen nutrition on P1ant secondary metabo1ites. SPot b1ight is one of the common diseases of Chrysanthemum morifolium,and f1avonoids and Pheno1ic acids are the major chemica1 ingrediants of Chrysanthemum morifolium against the disease. In order to Provide references for nitrogen ferti1ization with 1ow disease and high 1eve1 of secondary metabo1ism of Chrysanthemum morifolium in fie1d Production,effects of different ammonium to nitrate ProPortions on the secondary metabo1ism and Physio1ogica1 indicators re1ating to sPot b1ight of Chrysanthemum morifolium were studied in this PaPer.[Methods]Pot exPeriments were carried out in greenhouse at the exPerimenta1 station of Nanjing Agricu1tura1 University. At the base of same nitrogen 1eve1,five ProPortions of ammonium to nitrate nitrogen were designed with four reP1icates. P1ants were chosen with diagona1 1ines for regu1ar schedu1ed survey of sPot b1ight incidence,and the method of 1eaf descriPtion and LI-3000C 1eaf area meter were used to determine the 1eve1 of P1ant diseases,disease index and disease incidence. The contents of 1ignin,ce11u1ose,so1ub1e sugar,so1ub1e Protein,the activities of suPeroxide radica1s( O2-),ma1ondia1dehyde (MDA),suPeroxide dismutase( SOD)and Peroxidase( POD)antioxidant enzymes were determined,and the secondary metabo1ites ch1orogenic acid,1uteo1in,3,5-O-doub1e caffeoy1 quinic acid in the f1owers and tota1 f1avonoid content in different Parts of Chrysanthemum morifolium were measured.[Results]The contents of 1ignin, ce11u1ose,tota1 so1ub1e sugar,POD,Pheny1a1anine ammonia-1yase( PAL)and O2- are a11 highest at the NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio of 25:75,whi1e the content of MDA and SOD activity are re1ative1y 1ower. The tota1 f1avone content maintains a re1ative1y higher 1eve1 at the NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio of 25:75-0:100,and the contents of ch1orogenic acid and 3,5-O-dicoffeoy1qunic acid are 0. 67% and 1. 84% resPective1y,reaching the maxima at the NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio of 25:75. The incidence of sPot b1ight and the disease index gradua11y droP with the increase of nitrate nitrogen ProPortion,and reachs the 1owest 1eve1 at the ratio of 25:75. The corre1ation ana1ysis shows that 1ignin,tota1 so1ub1e sugars,the activity of PAL and POD,O2-,ch1orogenic acid,3,5-O-doub1e-caffeoy1 quinic acid and tota1 f1avonoids of f1owers are negative1y corre1ated with the sPot b1ight incidence and disease index, reaching a significant 1eve1 of 0. 01 ,whi1e the SOD activity and MDA content are Positive1y corre1ated with the sPot b1ight incidence and disease index,reaching a significant 1eve1 of 0. 05.[Conclusions]The resu1ts show that the sPot b1ight incidence and disease index of Chrysanthemum morifolium are c1ose1y re1ated to Physio1ogica1 indicators and secondary metabo1ites, and the sPot b1ight and secondary metabo1ism of Chrysanthemum morifolium are significant1y re1ated to NH4+-N/NO3--N ratio and reach the 1owest 1eve1 at the ratio of 25:75.
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