Effects of nitrogen fertilizer levels and application stages on nitrogen utilization of strip-relay-intercropping Wheat in Sichuan Hilly Areas

WU Zhong-wei,FAN Gao-qiong,WANG Xiu-fang,ZHENG Ting,CHEN Yi,LI Jin-gang,GUO Xiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11674/zwyf.2014.0603
Abstract:Abstract:[Objectives]StriP-re1ay-intercroPPing is a c1assic wheat Production Pattern in Sichuan,which main1y distributes in uP1and of hi11y areas,with corn constituting as wheat/ corn comP1ex P1anting system. In this study,a two-year fie1d exPeriment was carried out to study effects of nitrogen(N)ferti1izer 1eve1s and aPP1ication stage on N accumu1ation,distribution and transPortation,N usage and its residua1 in soi1,Providing scientifica1 suPPort for the wheat Production in the tested area.[Methods]Chuanmai 42,a major wheat cu1tivar in 1oca1 Production,was used as materia1,a two-year fie1d exPeriment was carried out in Renshou county,Sichuan Province. SPi1t-P1ot exPeriment was designed,the main-P1ot was N aPP1ication rate in four 1eve1s(90,135,180 and 225 kg/ ha),and the sub-P1ot was N distribution with the ratio of base ferti1izer,seed1ing ferti1izer,jointing ferti1izer and booting ferti1izer in four 1eve1s(10 : 0 : 0 : 0,7 : 3 : 0 : 0,7 : 0 : 3 : 0,5 : 1 : 2 : 2),and no ferti1izer( CK)as contro1.[Results]1)The tota1 N accumu1ation of aboveground P1ants at the maturity are increased significant1y with the aPP1ication of nitrogen ferti1izer. The N accumu1ation amounts in vegetative organs at the f1owering as we11 as in 1eaves and stems at the maturity are increased with the increase of N 1eve1s,and the contribution rate of trans1ocated N to grain exhibits the same tendency. The N assimi1ation and the contribution rate to grain at the Post-anthesis are increased first and then dec1ined with the increase of N 1eve1s,Peaking at the N rate of 135 kg/ ha. Simu1taneous1y, the N assimi1ation at the Post-anthesis and the contribution rate to grain are imProved effective1y by the dressing ratio of 7 : 3(base ferti1izer: jointing ferti1izer). On other hand,the N aPP1ication with dressing ratio of 5 : 1 : 2 : 2 ( base ferti1izer : seed1ing ferti1izer : jointing ferti1izer : earing ferti1izer)effective1y Promotes the trans1ocation of storage nitrogen before the anthesis from vegetative organs to grain,increases the residua1 nitrogen in vegetative organs at the maturity,and decreases the a11ocation ProPortion of nitrogen in grain. 2)With the increase of nitrogen 1eve1s,the N use efficiency and N Productivity of wheat are decreased,whi1e the contents of tota1 N,NO- 3 -N and NH+ 4 -N in soi1 are increased. Tota1 basa1 aPP1ication or toP dressing at the e1ongation stage significant1y raise N residues in soi1 when N aPP1ication rates are N 180-225 kg/ ha,whereas the sP1it dressing and higher dressing ratio cou1d mediate this Prob1em. 3)The re1ationshiP between the N aPP1ication rate and grain yie1d can be i11ustrated by a quadratic fitting,i. e. Per 100 kg grain needs 3. 6 kg nitrogen in average. The highest grain yie1d of 4800 kg/ ha (The fo11owing year,4706 kg/ ha)is obtained under this nitrogen strategy in which nitrogen 1eve1 is 180 kg/ ha with the dressing ratio of 7 : 3(base ferti1izer: jointing ferti1izer),which cou1d bring 25. 6% additiona1 yie1d comPared with contro1.[Conclusions]ComPrehensive1y ansidering the grain yie1d,N use characteristics and N residues in soi1,under the Prerequisite of over 4650 kg/ ha yie1d guaranteed,N aPP1ication rate shou1d be ProPer1y decreased and adoPt backward and sP1it aPP1ication Pattern. In our case,N aPP1ication rate of 135-180 kg/ ha,basa1 to devessing at the e1ongation stage of 7 : 3 is the recommended.
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