Combining Ability of Elite Protein Quality Maize Inbreds for Main Agronomic Characters

FAN Xing-ming,CHEN Hong-mei,TAN Jing,YANG Jun-yun,HUANG Yun-xiao,DUAN Zhi-Li
Abstract:The narrow genetic base and soft-endosperm kernel of quality protein maize (QPM) are the main constraints for QPM breeding in China. To enhance and improve the existing Chinese QPM germplasm, it is ne cessary to introduce exotic tropical and subtropical QPM germplasm. The combini ng ability and hereditary parameters of 9 elite QPM inbreds (4 tropical QPM inbr eds and 5 temperate QPM inbreds) for main agronomic characters were analyzed. T he 9 elite QPM inbreds were crossed by Griffing Ⅳ design and the 36 crosses wer e evaluated in three different environments (Kunming, Baoshan and Dehong of Yun nan Province). The results showed that the difference of general combining abil ity (GCA) and special combining ability (SCA) for yield per plant, plan t height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, number of rows per ear, num ber of kernels per row, thousand-seed weight and endosperm hardness was highly significant. The variance of additive effect was higher than that of non-addit ive effect, the ratio of additive variance to genetic variance was plant height ear height endosperm hardnessnumber of rows per earthousand-seed weightear length number of kernels per rowear diameteryield per plant. The most potent ial inbreds in Yunnan are CML166 and Qi205. It can be concluded from the study that the promising inbreds almost were either tropical germplasm or the introgre ssing germplasm from tropical germplasm. The tropical hard-endosperm QPM germp lasm could efficiently overcome the deficiency of Chinese temperate soft-endo sperm QPM germplasm. The study provided valuable information for enhancement and improvement of QPM germplasm.
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