Stadies on Long-term Preservation Techniques of the Intergeneric Hybrid-Common Wheat×Eremopyrum Orientale and Its Somaclonal Stability

Abstract:Based on studies of the totally sterile intergeneric hybrid of common wheat (T. aestivum)×Er. orientale and its somatic culture, especially the suitable components of the media, the relationship between inducing rate and length of the explant and the culture methods, a longterm preservation system was established. 1.1~3.0 cm long immature infioreseses of 2n=35 F1 plants were used as explants. They Were cut into pieces as small as possible before culture. Modified MS medium(inorganic elements of MS+organic elements of W14+400 mg/L LH+150 mg/L Asp+2 mg/L 2,4-D)were used as inducing medium, with varied content of 2,4-D to adjust the growth state of calli untill embryonic calli appeared. After subcultured for 4~5 months, the calli were transferred to the differentiation medium(N6+400 mg/L LH+150 mg/L Asp+0.5 mg/L IAA)to differentiate into plantlets. By using N6+400 mg/L LH+150 mg/L Asp+10 mg/L IAA as strong sprout medium and separating tillers in vitro, a large number of healthy seedlings were obtained. Studies on the somaclonal variation revealed that 37 percent of the plantlets showed morphological variation and the chromosome numbers of the F1 plants varied between 32~35. 2n=32 plants accounted for 19.6 percent, 2n=33 plants accounted for 6.5 percent and the rest were all 2n=35. A detailed survey of some 2n=32 variants showed that their plant height and tillering ability decreased by 49.1% and 49. 90% respectively and the flowering date became later while the number of spiklelets increased and the embryo-forming rate raised by 9.1 times when backerossed with common wheat. The results indicated that long term preservation of the F1 hybrid-common wheat×Er. orientale was feasible and its characteristics of 2n=35 could be maintained. At the same time, some kinds of useful variation could be selected out.
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