Study on chestnut pests lforas at Qin-Ba Mountain Areas
Hong-zhe WANG,Ping-hui Lü,HEJing-feng,HEJia-lin
Abstract:In order to te sound development of chestnutindustryin Shanxi, chestnut pests speciesand theirlforistic composition had been continuousinvestigatedfor two yearsatQin-BaMountainareain Shanxi Province. The chestnut pestsatQin-BaMountain Areas had 6 orders, 49families, 143genera,and 184 species. The defoliators had 25families, 85generaand 109 species,accountingfor 51.02% of totalfamily number, 59.44% of totalgenera number,and 59.24% of total species number. The Palaearctic Realm, Oriental Realmand Palearctic-Oriental Realm common specieswere dominant species,accountingfor 31.19%, 25.69%, 33.03% of the pests species,respectively. Shoot pests had 15families, 25generaand 27 species,accountingfor 30.61% of totalfamily number, 17.48% of totalgenera number,and 14.67%% of total species number. The Oriental Realm speciesandmany other community species consisted of the dominant species,accountingfor 37.04%and 29.63% of the pests species,respectively. Trunk borer had 5familiesand 22genera and 32 species,accountingfor 14.28% of totalfamily number, 15.28% of totalgenera number,and 17.39% of total species number. The Oriental Realm speciesand Palearctic-Oriental Realm common species consisted of the dominant species,accountingfor 31.25%and 43.75% of the pests species,respectively. Seed pests had 5families, 8generaand 11 species,accountingfor 10.20% of totalfamily number, 5.59% of totalgenera number,and 5.98% of total species number.The Palaearctic Realm speciesand Oriental-Palaearctic Realm common species consisted of the dominant species, accountingfor 27.27%and 54.55% of the pests species,respectively. Seedling pests had 3families, 3generaand 5 species,accountingfor 6.12% of totalfamily number, 2.10% of totalgenera number,and 2.72% of total species number. The Palaearctic speciesandmany other community species consisted of the dominant species,accountingfor 40.0%and 40.0% of the pests species,respectively. In theseinsect pests, Palaearctic Realm species (46)accountedfor 25% of the total chestnut pest species, the Oriental Realm species (47)accountedfor 25.54%, the Palaearctic-Oriental Realm common species (64)accountedfor 34.78%,and the otherrealms species (27)accountedfor 14.67%. The Palaearctic Realm species, Oriental Realm species, Palearctic-Oriental Realm common species consisted the dominant species of chestnut pestsatQin-BaMountain Areas. The characteristicswereinlinewith distribution of the Shanxi chestnutat the insectlforas of the transition zone of the Palaearcticand Oriental Realms.