Effects of Exogenous Jasmonic Acid-based Applications on Defense Protein Activity in the Needles of Larix olgen-sis
Wang Jie,Meng Zhaojun,Zhang Xiaojiao,Yan Shanchun,Wang Qi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-5382.2015.05.017
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
Abstract:We used Larix olgensis seedlings to test the effects of different jasmonic acid ( JA) treatments on the induced tree re-sistance against insect attacks.We sprayed three concentrations of JA (1, 0.1 and 0.01 mmol/L), respectively, on the whole larch seedling or on part of the seedling plant , and measured their effects on enzyme activity of following major de-fense proteins (superoxide dismutase, SOD, Polyphenol oxidase, PPO, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, PAL, chymotryp-sin inhibitor, CI, trypsin inhibitor, TI).The topical spray of exogenous jasmonic acid on part of L.olgensis seedling plant enhanced its induced defense system by increasing activities of the defense proteins at similar levels , so did the whole plant application.Jasmonic acid resulted in a strong induced resistance at 0.1or 1 mmol/L within 1-10 d of application, but their effects were significantly lower than that at the low application concentration (0.01 mmol/L) winthin 15-25 d.The high concentrations of JA could increase the induced resistance level of larch seedlings strongly and quickly , whereas, low concentration might induce the resistance slowly but sustain the resistance level longer than the higher concentrations .In practice, partial spray of low concentrations of jasmonic acid on L.olgensis seedlings or trees might be an economical and efficient option.