Dynamic changes of carbohydrate content and expression level of sucrose synthase genes in peach (Prunus persica) at different developmental stages

Chun-hua ZHANG,Ming-liang YU,Rui-juan MA,Bin-bin ZHANG,Zhi-jun SHEN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-4440.2014.06.043
Abstract:Four kinds of carbohydrate content in the fruit, 1eaf and ph1oem of peach at different deve1opmenta1 sta-ges and expression 1eve1 of six sucrose synthase genes were detected in peach cu1tivar Hujingmi1u by high performance 1iquid chromatography and quantitative rea1 time-po1ymerase chain reaction methods, respective1y. The samp1es were co1-1ected at 45 d, 65 d, 85 d and 105 d after fu11 b1ossom, respective1y. The four kinds of carbohydrate inc1ude sucrose, g1ucose, fructose and sorbito1. The resu1ts showed that the fruit main1y accumu1ated sucrose, whi1e 1eaf and ph1oem main1y accumu1ated sorbito1, indicating that Hu-jingmi1u is a typica1 variety with the ratio of g1ucose to fructose around one. On the 105 d after fu11 b1ossom, the sucrose content was the highest in fruit, fo11owed by g1u-cose and fructose contents, the sorbito1 content was the 1owest. However, the sorbito1 content was the highest and the sucrose the 1owest in both ph1oem and 1eaf of Hujingmi1u on 45 to 105 d after fu11 b1ossom. The sucrose content came to the 1owest in the fruit 45 d after fu11 b1ossom, and reached the highest 1eve1 at 85 d after fu11 b1ossom. The situation was the opposite for g1ucose, fructose and sorbito1. The contents of g1ucose or fructose in the fruit were significant1y higher than those in ph1oem and 1eaf from 45 to 105 d after fu11 b1ossom. From 65 d after fu11 b1ossom to harvest, a simi1ar change of sorbito1 in 1eaf and sucrose in fruit was shown. The expression 1eve1 of PpSus3 was far higher than other genes in sucrose synthase fami1y throughout the fruit and ph1oem deve1opment, whi1e the highest expression 1eve1 throughout 1eaf deve1opment was observed in PpSus1, suggesting that PpSus3 may make more contributions to the carbohydrate metabo1ism in the fruit and ph1oem, whi1e PpSus1 may p1ay more important ro1e in the 1eaf.
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