Performance Analysis of Angle-or-arrival Techniques in Shallow Water Bathymetry Measurements
Wen Xu,Marc Parent,Fran Rowe
Abstract:Conventional bathymetric side scan system measures the phase difference between two parallel rows of transducers and converts it to bottom echo signal direction and then depth. A main concern is that the phase measurements are easily dispersed by noises and interferences, particularly in shallow water applications. There have been considerable efforts to deal with the problem, for example, by adding more transducers and implementing signal angle-of-arrival estimation. In this work, experimental data anlaysis for a multiple-row system is conducted, disclosing shallow water echo signal spatial structure. In addition to a stable bottom return, there often exist returns from surface scattering or multi-path reflecting between surface and bottom, more spatially-dispersed depending on the surface wave condition. By comparing the differential phase approach, which is blind to interferences, to the angle-of-arrival approach, which exploits the multi-path signal structure, it is concluded that the differential phase approach can yield systematic bias toward surface in bottom depth measurements. Performance of the angle-or-arrival technique is then investigated. The Cramer-Rao bound is derived and evaluated in the presence of two signal sources, followed by discussions on source separation (resolution) and individual source strengths.