Study of radial bending vibration and excitation of piezoelectric rings
Rui Pan,Xi-Ping Mo,Yong Chai,Xiu-Zhen Zhang,Zhi-Feng Tian,Laboratory of Ocean Acoustic Technology, Institute of Acoustics, Chinses Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China,School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Pan Rui, Mo Xi-Ping, Chai Yong, Zhang Xiu-Zhen, Tian Zhi-Feng Piezoelectric ring transducer is one of the most common underwater transducers, and its radial vibration, bending vibration in-plane <inline-formula<<tex-math $\end{document}<="" 1)="" 2)="" 3)="" <\begin{document}$r="" <inline-formula<<tex-math="" ext-="" heta="" a="" accordance="" acting="" agreement.="" all="" although="" an="" analysis="" analytical="" analyzed.="" and="" applicability="" are="" as="" aspects="" basis="" be="" been="" bending="" between="" both="" by="" calculations="" can="" carried="" characteristics="" coefficients="" comparative="" completeness="" conclusions="" condition="" conditions="" corresponding="" current="" defined="" derived,="" different="" distribution.="" effect="" effective="" effects="" electric="" electrical="" element="" equation="" equations="" excitation="" excitation,="" excitation.<="" excite="" excited="" excites="" experimental="" experiments:="" fine="" finite="" first="" fitting.="" five="" following="" for="" forced="" formulas="" free="" frequency="" function="" function,="" functions="" good="" have="" herein,="" however,="" id="M4" identifying="" in="" influence="" inline-formula<="" insufficient,="" integral="" investigated,="" involves="" is="" it="" its="" mathematical="" may="" mechanical="" method="" method,="" methods="" modal="" mode="" modes="" modes,="" multi-order="" multistep="" non-homogeneous="" noticeable="" obtained="" obtained.="" of="" on="" one="" only="" open="" orders="" orders,="" orthogonal="" out="" out-of-plane="" p="" partial="" piezoelectric="" plane="" positive="" prediction="" predictions.="" proposed="" provide="" range="" related="" relationship="" relevant="" research="" resonance="" results="" reveal="" ring="" several="" shape="" short="" simple="" simulation,="" single-ended="" so="" solution="" solution,="" solved="" solved.="" space,="" strength="" studied.="" studied:="" study="" study,="" successfully="" such="" target="" tex-math<<="" that="" the="" theoretical="" theory="" theory,="" theory.="" these="" thin-shell="" this="" three="" transducers.="" transformation="" tuning="" two="" under="" underwater="" unimodal="" using="" utilizing="" vector,="" verification,="" verification.="" vibration="" vibration:="" vibrations="" voltage="" which="" while="" widely="" with="" z$\end{document} Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(19): 194301. Published 2024-10-05</inline-formula<
physics, multidisciplinary