Development Design and Signal Processing Algorithm Optimization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Acquisition System Based on CP301 Sensor
Fengyi Zhao
Advances in Computer Signals and Systems
Abstract:: Based on the "Three Parts and Nine Symptoms" pulse diagnosis in TCM, a wristband pulse signal acquisition device with adjustable pressure is designed. It uses soft PVDF sensors for comfort and adjustable Cun-Guan-Chi positions for simulating TCM pulse diagnosis. To address weak, interference-prone signals, impedance conversion, bandpass filtering, and amplification circuits are integrated. A six-channel digital acquisition system and PC-based interface are developed for signal processing. An improved EMD algorithm removes pseudo-baselines, and dimensionality reduction is achieved by extracting features. Pulse signals generated by the Nektar 1D model are classified using SOM and decision tree algorithms, with SOM showing higher accuracy. The hardware includes optimized PVDF sensors, two-stage amplification, 50Hz notch filters, and fourth-order bandpass filters, with FPGA-based six-channel acquisition. The software, developed on LabVIEW, manages initialization, data acquisition, storage, and calibration. While objective signal acquisition is achieved, hardware optimization, portability, and signal processing need improvement. Enhancing the TCM pulse diagnosis feature database will further promote objectivity in TCM pulse diagnosis.